Hey! My friend Sandra invited me to participate in a group show full of AMAZING people this weekend. Its a Fairy Tale themed group featuring work by:
Roque Ballesteros Brigette Barriger Lorelay Bove Megan Brain Drake Brodahl, Becky Dreistadt Anna Chambers Joey Chou Sandra Equihua Sadie Figueroa, Genevive Godbout Helena Garcia Rex Hackelberg Alex Kirwan Dan Krall, Amanda Kindregan Leticia Lacey Brittney Lee Deanna Marsigliese Annette Marnat, Rhode Montijo Leo Matsuda Martin Ontiveros Pete Oswald Jorge Ramirez, Israel Sanchez Don Shank Ann Shen Gabe Swarr Becca Stadtlander, Joel Trussell Nate Wragg Johnny Yanok and myself!
I dropped off my work yesterday and definitely felt humbled / privileged / intimidated to hang with such massive talent.
My piece is called "Wolf Grove", its 18 x 24 inches watercolor and ink... Below is a hackily assembled scan of the whole thing and some crops of it...

The opening for the show is 7:00 this Saturday, July 7th at the WWA gallery - 9517 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232